This may be the most cost effective and scalable method to take your TM1 application to the next level.
There are many reasons why outsourcing your TM1 support and development could be the right solution for your organisation:
- Access to highly skilled TM1 developers on demand in a cost effective way
- Models built a couple of years ago haven't evolved with the business
- Lack of ownership within the organisation
- Shortage of skilled TM1 specialists capable of managing the application
In today's blog, we would like to list and discuss the five key benefits of outsourcing your TM1 support services rather than managing them in-house.
1. Expertise
Finding experienced and talented TM1 specialists can be an exhausting and time-consuming process – advertising the position, collating and filtering through applications, interviewing potential candidates and finally, training and educating your new employees to fit your company models. Staff turnover also leads to loss of valuable IP that has not been captured.
All the above difficulties can be easily avoided by outsourcing your TM1 support to Octane Solutions. We provide the expertise and scale previously not available in TM1. Octane Solutions' offices are based in Australia and India with our TM1 certified developers ready to help you anytime.
We provide support and development to some of the largest TM1 implementations in the country. Now also your company can benefit from using Octane Solutions.

2. Efficiency
It's not easy to build and maintain your own in-house IT support department. Monitoring, researching information as well as making key decisions on your systems to ensure they are future proof is often expensive and time-consuming, especially when your upgrade is due.
- Am I using the application to its full potential?
- How often should I backup my data?
- When should we upgrade?
- Is my software and my hardware compatible?
- Is the application being used appropriately?
These are some of important questions that must be answered. Any misguided decisions can cost the company a lot of money and significantly decrease productivity.
It's time to leave these problems to TM1 specialists from Octane Solutions who make informed decisions like these every day and are fully aware of the options available in the marketplace. Our experts can walk you through the setup options to maximise the potential of your business growth.
3. Lower Costs
The cost of recruiting and keep an experienced and efficient TM1 team can be precarious, especially for an SME business. Regular upgrades are caused by the fast paced nature of the BI landscape and proliferation of the cloud take-up. Octane Solutions offers a variety of scales at low overhead costs. Moreover, we are capable of scaling up and down as required without additional charges. We have worked with a number of clients in assisting them with evaluating the total cost of ownership of their application and helping them maximise benefits from their investment.
4. Global 24/7 Support Centre
We have a dedicated TM1 support centre staffed with ateam of professionals provides on call assistance 24 hours a day, 7 days a week to cater for any time zone. In most of the cases, our specialists will be available to travel and work from your office to maximise the support during the critical period.
5. Reduced Risk
Many TM1 sites are affected by the risk of dependency on the key personnel. The current functionality and process workflow are handed over verbally or via a quick overview of models. This is a perfect recipe for disaster if something goes wrong as there is a limited capability to troubleshoot or understand the model. Octane Solutions provides expertise to document and health check TM1 models.
We offer no lock in contracts and most of our support packages are paid by the month to month structure.
Do you TM1 support challenges sound familiar? It's time to find a solution!
I would love to have coffee with you and discuss the pros and cons of outsourcing TM1 applications. I have many years of experience within TM1 platform and I'm ready to answer your questions.
You can also download our guide to TM1 Support Centre.

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