In light of the heightened level of concern related to the spread of Coronavirus (COVIS-19) we want to provide an update on the actions Octane is taking to safeguard the health-being of our clients, our associates and their families.
All of our 7 offices around Australia, India and Middle East are continuing to serve the needs of our clients. For your and our safety we are following the guidelines in respective countries public health authorities. We are monitoring the situation daily and continue to take guidance from public health authorities.
There are number of steps we have taken as part of our Business Continuity Plan (BCP):
Visit to our Local Offices: Even though our offices are open for business we encourage virtual meetings. We have introduced hygiene and distancing protocols in the offices to reduce the risk of transmission.
Staff Travel: all staff travel is banned unless exterminating circumstances. If a staff member has to travel overseas, then he or she will be self-quarantine for 14 days as a precaution. Staff who are already offsite at client sites will follow guidelines from the client companies and local public health authorities.
Work from home Facilities: All our staff have technology available to allow them to work from home. This option remains open to all our staff.
As situation develops and more information comes to light, we will continue to refine our approach and update you accordingly. We are confident that we are taking all possible measures to minimise exposure of virus and at the same time ensure there is minimal disruption to the support we provide to our clients.
Today, Octane has announced special arrangements for businesses impacted with this epidemic, which include Flexible payment and Credit terms for approved clients and heavily discounted online training. Please contact us for further details.
Managed Service
Octane has been a market leader in remote support and development of Planning Analytics TM1. If you require any assistance we would be happy to assist in current crisis.
Learn more and get your free consultation.
Launching online IBM Planning Analytics up-skilling sessions at an attractive rate of $300 per person. All of our training sessions can now be delivered online and at a discounted rate.
Learn more and Book here
If you have any questions please contact me on
Thank you for your continued trust in Octane Software Solutions
Amendra Pratap
Octane Software Solutions Pty Ltd
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