It's hard in our industry particularily when when starting to guage how good you are or how much you know in relation to the products, especially when you don't get to mix and mingle with other Planning Analytics or TM1 developers. Worse is that you don't get to see / hear about other implementations / environments.
The aim with this blog is to feature every so often different things you can do to keep work feeling fresh, help, and to push you in different directions. You don't necessarily know how good you are if you're not covering off the basics. So lets start there.
Step 1: Can it be done better?
The best place to start is by thinking 'outside the box' and question, well can it be done better? If yes then push yourself to try and do exactly that. Sample: can it run faster? Try it! The one thing you will NEVER stop doing as a developer is learning. It doesn't mean that you won't get frustreated a thousands times or more because it's not working faster but that's not to say your break through isn't just around the corner. Don't get demotivated by that, besure to also keep that goal in mind.
Step 2: End to End development
The next level of development comes when you are sucessfully managing the development from end to end. What does end to end mean exactly? Well it is from the initial phases of requirements gathering to, then scoping / architecture of the solution, ultimately the development, and finally delivery / implemenation of the solution. Some environments / companies won't allow for all of the above, some will, it's a matter of being comfortable and fluent in the as many of those aspects as possible.
Step 3: Share / Feedback
I'd like to paraphasrase here to say no man or woman is an island, although there are those that would like to think so. :) This is especially important in life but moreover at work. You spend so much of your life there is't important to share and get feedback because you can't grow professionally or personally without a little of either. So don't be shy in asking for either but also be sure to pay it forward when someone asks you in turn.
For those of you who are new to TM1 or Planning Analytics I was recently pointed to the below article which might help you too https://hbr.org/2017/10/how-to-gain-credibility-when-you-have-little-experience#, and if your looking forward to more of the above be sure to subcribe to our blogs, or leave a comment below.
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