The last 3 weeks has been great in that it has showed an avenue that I had yet to explore in Planning Analytics, debugging.

To say it has been highly frustrating at times is an understatement, however I know I only get stressed when I’m learning a difficult concept. It sometimes hard when looking at code that isn't' documented, exactly why this or that piece of code is necessary.
Debugging work has benefited me in understanding and developing a methodology to enable me to learn the overall logic and flow of a model/system. Understanding and being able to follow personalised instead of best practise labelling of variables and Planning Analytics content was a hurdle to step over when it came to understanding the workflow of the models.
Moving forward I think there are definitely ways for myself and others to become more time efficient and effective with the time I am being given to complete a task. I believe that sub-dividing the TI coding into flag sections or into configuration and logic is a path I need to explore, especially as this will assist in debugging with a greater understanding of how particular variables can influences a records outcome. As well as following best practises, which I'll have to cover as part of a future blog.

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