What happens when a user attempts 3 incorrect passwords in TM1?
When the user attempts the 4th time he/she will get a message saying: “The maximum number of login attempts has been exceeded”
How do we resolve this?

Option 1:
- Admin user to go to Security and then to Client/Groups
- And then clear that user’s password and re-type a new password
- And then shoot an email to the user saying your temp password is xxxx and please follow the steps to change your password (which is for the user to login using his new temp password and then go to Security and select change password)
Option 2:
- Another option is to simply update the MaximumLoginAttempts parameter in the config file from 3 to 5
- If this parameter is not there then by default its 3. So, add this parameter and set the value to 5
- Because this parameter is dynamic we can ask the user to try their password 2 more times (that if the user remembers)
- If the user has completely forgotten then option 1 is the way to go
Written by:
Sameer Syed [Senior TM1 Consultant]

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