This Blog details IBM Planning Analytics On-Cloud and On-Premise deployment options. It focusses & highlights key points which should help you make the decision; “whether to adopt Cloud Or stay on Premise”
IBM Planning Analytics:
As part of their continuous endeavour to improve application interface and better customer experience, IBM rebranded TM1 to Planning Analytics couple of years back which came with many new features and a completely new interface. With this release (PA 2.x version as it has been called), IBM is letting clients choose Planning Analytics as Local SW or as Software as a Service (SaaS) deployed on IBM Softlayer Cloud.

Planning Analytics on Cloud:
Under this offering, Planning Analytics system operates in a remote hosted environment. Clients who choose Planning Analytics deployed “on-cloud” can reap many benefits aligned to any typical SaaS.
With this subscription, Clients’ need not worry about software Installation, versions, patches, upgrades, fixes, disaster recovery, hardware etc.
They can focus on building business models and enriching data from different source systems and give meaning to the data they have. This by converting data into business critical, meaningful, actionable insights.
While not a laundry list, covers significant benefits.
- Automatic software updates and management.
- CAPEX Free; incorporates benefits of leasing.
- Competitiveness; long term TCO savings.
- Costs are predictable over time.
- Disaster recovery; with IBM’s unparalleled global datacentre reach.
- Does not involve additional hardware costs.
- Environment friendly; credits towards being carbon neutral.
- Flexibility; capacity to scale up and down.
- Increased collaboration.
- Security; with options of premium server instances.
- Work from anywhere; there by driving up productivity & efficiencies.
Client must have Internet connection to use SaaS and of course, Internet speed plays major role. In present world Internet connection has become a basic necessity for all organizations.

Planning Analytics Local (On-Premise):
Planning Analytics local essentially is the traditional way of getting software installed on company’s in-house server and computing infrastructure installed either in their Data Centre or Hosted elsewhere.
In an on-premise environment - Installation, upgrade, and configuration of IBM® Planning Analytics Local software components are on the Organization.
Benefits of On-Premise:
- Full control.
- Higher security.
- Confidential business information remains with in Organization network.
- Lesser vendor dependency.
- Easier customization.
- Tailored to business needs.
- Does not require Internet connectivity, unless “anywhere” access is enabled.
- Organization has more control over implementation process.
As evident on-premise option comes with some cons as well, few are listed below.
- Higher upfront cost
- Long implementation period.
- Hardware maintenance and IT cost.
- In-house Skills management.
- Longer application dev cycles.
- Robust but inflexible.
On-premise software demands constant maintenance and ongoing servicing from the company’s IT department.
Organization on on-premise have full control on the software and on its related infrastructure and can perform internal and external audits as and when needed or recommended by governing/regulatory bodies.
Before making the decision, it is also important to consider many other influencing factors; from necessary security level to the potential for customization, number of Users, modelers, administrators, size of the organization, available budget, long term benefits to the Organization.
While you ponder on this, there are many clients who have adopted a “mid-way” of hybrid environment. Under which basis factors like workload economics, application evaluation & assessment, security and risk profiles, applications are being gradually moved from on-premise to cloud in a phased manned.
You may also like reading “ What is IBM Planning Analytics Local ” , “IBM TM1 10.2 vs IBM Planning Analytics”, “Little known TM1 Feature - Ad hoc Consolidations”, “IBM PA Workspace Installation & Benefits for Windows 2016”.
For more Information: To check on your existing Planning Analytics (TM1) entitlements and understand how to upgrade to Planning Analytics Workspace (PAW) reach out to us at info@octanesolutions.com.au for further assistance.
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